Monday, 28 April 2008

More on tigers

Tigers may be rare but there small numbers cover a large area. The countries in which they can be found are...

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia (Sumatra), Lao PDR, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, North Korea (few left), Russia (Far East), Thailand, Vietnam

There are around 4000 tigers left.

Conservation plan (taken from wwf)...

WWF's tiger conservation strategy and action plan - Conserving Tigers in the Wild: A WWF Framework Strategy for Action 2002-2010 - identifies seven focal tiger landscapes where the chances of long-term tiger conservation are best, and four additional areas where conservation opportunities are good.In each of the focal landscapes, WWF aims to establish and manage effective tiger conservation areas, reduce the poaching of tigers and their prey, eliminate the trade in tiger parts and products, create incentives that will encourage local communities and others to support tiger conservation, and build capacity for tiger conservation.

A link to a tiger conservation website...

Basic Tiger Fact File

Name: Tiger

Scientific name: Panthera tigris

Location: India, East and South East Asia (mainly)

Habitat: Forests, swamps, scrub, grassland, rocky hills

Size and weight: Head and body length 250 cm, tail length 100cm, weighs up to 300kg

Food: Wild pigs, deer, buffalo

Lifespan: 15 years in wild, up to 20 years in captivity

Status: The biggest big cat but the rarest, species is endangered

Litters: There are usually two or three in a litter and stay with their mothers until they are about 18 months old

Fact: Tigers stripes are like fingerprints as they are all different

For more information visit...